There are additional loans available specifically for students in the health professions. View specific loan information to find out how to apply.
Health Professional Loan (HPL)
Full-time — not provisional — in the D.D.S. or Pharm.D. program
Demonstrate financial need according to rules set forth by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Fixed 5% interest rate
No interest accrues during school
Repayment begins 12 months following termination of at least half-time enrollment
Payments are made to UMKC
How to apply
File the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Students must also utilize the Direct Data Exchange (DDX) on the FAFSA to retrieve and transfer 2023 IRS income information. All professional students are considered independent for FAFSA purposes: nonetheless, federal regulations require that parent information be considered for the purpose of awarding HPL funds. The application wil include instructions on how to accomplish getting this information to the school.
Upload the fully completed and signed Health Professional Loan Application through the Secure Document Uploader.
For priority consideration, please submit the HPL Application and other documents by the priority deadline indicated on the application.
Full-time — not provisional — in the D.D.S., Pharm.D. or B.A./M.D. program
Demonstrate financial need according to rules set forth by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Fixed 5% interest rate
No interest accrues during school
Repayment begins 12 months following termination of at least half-time enrollment
Payments are made to UMKC
How to apply
File the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Students must also utilize the Direct Data Exchange (DDX) on the FAFSA to retrieve and transfer 2023 IRS income information. All professional students are considered independent for FAFSA purposes: nonetheless, federal regulations require that parent information be considered for the purpose of awarding HPSL funds. The application will include instructions on how to accomplish getting this information to the school.
Upload the fully completed and signed Health Professional Loan Application through the Secure Document Uploader.
For priority consideration, please submit the HPL Application and other documents by the priority deadline indicated on the application.
Students must also utilize the Direct Data Exchange (DDX) on the FAFSA to retrieve and transfer 2023 IRS income information. All professional students are considered independent for FAFSA purposes: nonetheless, federal regulations require that parent information be considered for the purpose of awarding HPSL funds. The application will include instructions on how to accomplish getting this information to the school.
Upload the fully completed and signed Health Professional Loan Application through the Secure Document Uploader.
For priority consideration, please submit the HPL Application and other documents by the priority deadline indicated on the application.