Law Estimated Costs

Estimated Cost of Attendance for 2021-2022 Academic Year

Estimates are based on law students enrolled in 15 credit hours. Some professional programs include additional fees. Learn more about the fees associated with your specific program before calculating your final Cost of Attendance.

Estimated Cost of Attendance for Living Off Campus
Costs based on residency status Missouri residents Nonresidents
Estimated direct costs
Tuition and fees $21,150 $40,144
Estimated indirect costs
Books and supplies $1,034 $1,034
Housing and dining $11,748 $11,748
Personal  $3,534 $3,534
Transportation $920 $920
Total estimated Cost of Attendance
$38,386 $57,380
Estimated Cost of Attendance for Living on Campus
Costs based on residency status Missouri residents Nonresidents
Estimated direct costs
Tuition and fees $21,150 $40,144
Housing and dining (rates vary) $11,992 $11,992
Estimated indirect costs
Books and supplies $1,034 $1,034
Personal  $3,534 $3,534
Transportation $460 $460
Total estimated Cost of Attendance
$38,170 $57,164
Estimated Cost of Attendance for Living With Parents
Costs based on residency status Missouri residents Nonresidents
Estimated direct costs
Tuition and fees $21,150 $40,144
Estimated indirect costs
Books and supplies $1,034 $1,034
Housing and dining $2,040 $2,040
Personal  $3,534 $3,534
Transportation $920 $920
Total estimated Cost of Attendance
$28,678 $47,672