Dentistry Estimated Costs

The Dentistry academic program for a given year begins with the Summer semester and ends with the Spring semester. The UMKC School of Dentistry consists of three main divisions:

Some professional programs include additional fees. Learn more about the fees associated with your specific program before calculating your final Cost of Attendance.

Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)

The four-year DDS program is a professional degree and considered graduate level for financial aid; therefore, students are classified as independent so parent information is not required on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

To estimate costs, contact Financial Aid or review Tuition and Fees on the Cashiers website.

Advanced Dental Education

The School of Dentistry offers several graduate programs such as AEGD, PERIO, ORTHO and ENDO. Students in these programs are considered independent; therefore, parent information is not required on the FAFSA.

View estimated graduate costs

Dental Hygiene (B.S.)

Students enter the Dental Hygiene program during the last two years of their undergraduate career. Although students complete their degree on the Hospital Hill campus, they are still required to include parent information on the FAFSA.

Estimated Cost of Attendance for 2021-2022 academic year

Estimates are based on Dental Hygiene students enrolled in 16 credit hours per semester and living on campus.

Year 1 - Estimated Cost of Attendance for Living on Campus
Costs based on residency status Missouri residents and Kansas Rate Heartland Rate Nonresidents
Estimated direct costs
Tuition and fees $13,628 $18,914 $32,132
Housing and dining (rates vary) $11,992 $11,992 $11,992
Estimated indirect costs
Books and supplies $2,352 $2,352 $2,352
Personal  $3,534 $3,534 $3,534
Transportation $460 $460 $460
Total estimated Cost of Attendance
$31,966 $37,252 $50,470
Year 2 - Estimated Cost of Attendance for Living on Campus
Costs based on residency status Missouri residents and Kansas Rate Heartland Rate Nonresidents
Estimated direct costs
Tuition and fees $16,502 $22,708 $38,226
Housing and dining (rates vary) $15,989 $15,989 $15,989
Estimated indirect costs
Books, supplies and board fees $4,183 $4,183 $4,183
Personal  $4,712 $4,712 $4,712
Transportation $613 $613 $613
Total estimated Cost of Attendance
$41,999 $48,205 $63,723